C++ Program. Write a program to print Well-come BCA Student.

void main()
printf("****Well-come  BCA Student *****");

Tally Question No. 2

Question : Explain the following group with an example
1.     Capital Account
2.     Current Assets
3.     Indirect Expenses
4.     Direct Expenses
5.     Bank account
6.     Bank OCC account
7.     Fixed Assets
8.     Current liabilities
In manual accounting grouping is need to be done after figures of transaction (Vouchers) have been posted to the ledger accounts and balance drawn (Trial Balance).
In Tally by default it creates 15 groups; they are called as Reserved Groups (some are divided into sub groups)

Capital Account

This group holds the Capital and Reserves of the company. The following ledgers that may be opened under this group are
Share Capital A/c [When the firm is Company]
Partners' Capital A/c [When the firm is Partner-ship firm,
Proprietor's Capital A/c [When the firm is proprietary ship based]
Reserves and Surplus A/c [also called as Retained Earnings]
Capital Reserve A/c, General Reserve A/c, Reserve for Depreciation A/c, etc.

Current Assets

This Group holds the current assets ledgers other than Bank Accounts, Cash in Hand
For Eg: Loan & Advances (assets)
Deposits (Assets)

Indirect Expenses

This group holds all the Administrative, selling & distribution Expenses Accounts. These expenses are generally shows in Debit side of Profit & Loss account.
For Eg. Depreciation A/c,
Rent, Rate & taxes A/c ,
Insurance charges A/c,
Printing & stationery A/c,
Repairs & Maintenance (Admn) A/c,
Traveling and conveyance A/c.
Salaries Payable A/c

Direct Expenses

This group holds all the Trade A/c Expenses; it determines the gross profit / gross loss of the company
For Eg: Wages A/c,
Factory Light A/c,
Frieght & Octroi A/c,
Carriage inwards A/c,

Bank account

This group holds Bank related Accounts
Bank Current Accounts for Eg: State bank of India [CA-1095]
Bank Savings Accounts, for Eg: HDFC bank [SB-2555]
Short term deposits A/c etc

Bank OCC account

This group holds the Bank Overdraft Account

Fixed Assets

This group holds ledgers of fixed asset like
Land & Building A/c,
Furniture & Fixtures A/c,
immovable properties,
patents ,
trade rights,
Current liabilities

This group contains the flowing sub-groups
Duties taxes
Sales Tax,
Central Sales Tax,
Exise Duty,
Marketing Fee,
Purchase Tax
Provision for Income Tax
Provision for Bad Debts
Sundry Creditors
All trade creditors of the company
For Eg: Raj & Raj Co.,
ABC Company Ltd

Current Liabilities holds the following Ledgers:
All liabilities accounts which are not fallen in above 3 groups can be placed here Like Statutory Liabilities
For Eg;
T.D.S payable A/c.
E.S.I Employer’s Contrib Payable A/c
P.F Employer’s Contrib Payable A/c

Tally Question No.1 Create a new company

Question : Write the steps to create a new company in Tally and also explain the all reliable fields in company creation window.
Information about tally.erp 9

Answer: Every business has no. of financial transactions, as a human being we could not remember all of them. To overcome this problem we used to record all business transactions in books. As technology is developing we are using computers in every area.

Tally is an application package which is used to record and analyze all business transactions in computer. To work with this package we need Windows operating System in our computer.

To record transactions in Tally, first we need to create Companies for whose transactions to be entered. Suppose as a consultant if want to maintain number of companies data, we need to create separate companies.

To create a company we have to follow the steps giving hereunder:
1.     By Double clicking the Tally Icon on desktop, it opens the Tally screen.
2.     The gateway of Tally Screen divides into four areas
Ø Title area : Shows version No. Date, Time etc.,
Ø The main area : List of selected Companies etc.,
Ø Calculator Area : To done mathematical calculations
Ø Button bar : Displays Commands to be used
3.     The names of the companies already created will displays on the main area’s left part. In the right part of the main area there is a menu called Company Info.
4.     Click on Create Company. It will display a dialog box.
5.     We have to fill the required fields
6.     After entering all the information it will display ‘Accept Yes or No?’ dialog box.
7.     Click on Yes Button to save all the information and it will creates the company
The Following are the various details required to create a company.
1.     Directory: Company’s data will be saved in a directory, for this it is required to give the path of the Data directory. Path is the location of the directory. By default Tally creates its data directory at C:\Tally\data. We can the change the default path by pressing backspace key and enter a new path. Internally Tally Names its directories like 001, 002.
2.     Name: Here we have to give the name of the company for whose books are to be opened. For Eg. XYZ Company Ltd.,
3.     Mailing Name and Address: Here we can enter the mailing address of the company. It can be entered in multiple lines also.
4.     E-mail Address: This is optional, if we want we can enter it.
5.     Local Sales Tax Number: Here we have to enter the Sales tax number allotted to the company by the state Govt.( if available)
6.     Inter state Tax Number: Type the number if available which was allotted by Central Govt..
7.     Income tax Number: Type the number allotted by the Central Govt to the company if it available.
8.     Currencey Symbol: Type the base currency symbol like Rs. $ etc. In India it will be Rs.
9.     Maintain: We can maintain two types of Accounts
o    Accounts Only: To maintain Accounts Transactions only
o    Accounts-cum-Inventory: To maintain the Inventory transaction as well as Accounts transactions.
10.   Financial Year from: Type the Financial Year of the country for Eg: 2005-06
11.   Books beginning from: Tally assumes that this period will be the same as Financial Year , if we want we can change it. Suppose company books begins from July 2006, then the date will be 01-07-2006.
12.   Tally Valut Password: To avoid unauthorized persons to operate/enter and view our company transactions we can maintain data in encrypted form(Unrecognizable form). By typing the password authorized persons only can view and record/enter the information. As administrator we have give the Password for it.
13.   Use Security Control: We can define and maintain security control layers by classifying the Supervisor rights and normal user rights. Type Yes to maintain Security control , other wise Type No.

14.Basic Currency Info: In this area we have to enter currency formal name, Decimal Points etc., information