Scooter company has serial numbers from AA0 to FF9, the other characteristics of scooter are year of manufacture, colour, horsepower. Use a structure pointer and do the following:

Scooter company has serial numbers from  AA0  to  FF9, the other characteristics of scooter are year of manufacture, colour, horsepower. Use a structure pointer and  do the  following:
a.         Retrieve all information of scooters within a range BB0 and CC9
b.         Display the oldest scooter
void main()
 struct scooter
         char srno[5];
         int year;
         char color[10];   
         int hp;
int i,ch,n;
printf("\n 1:add scooter info");
printf("\n 2:information of scooters within a range BB0 and CC9");
printf("\n 3:Display the oldest scooter");
printf("\n 4:exit");
printf("\n enter the choice");
scanf("\n %d",&ch);
 case 1:
            printf("\n how many record u add");
                scanf("\n %d",&n);
                                                            printf("\n enter sr no");
                                                            scanf("\n %s",&sc[i].srno);
                                                            printf("\n enter year");
                                                            scanf("\n %d",&sc[i].year);

printf("\n enter color");
            scanf("\n %s",&sc[i].color);
printf("\n enter hp");

            scanf("\n %d",&sc[i].hp);
case 2:
            if(sc[i].srno>="bb0" || sc[i].srno<="cc9")
 printf("\n srno is%s",sc[i].srno);
printf("\n year is%d",sc[i].year);
printf("\n color is%s",sc[i].color);
printf("\n hp is%d",sc[i].hp);
case 3:printf("\n the oldest scooter is %c",sc[0]);

                        printf("\n srno is%s",sc[0].srno);
printf("\n year is%d",sc[0].year);
printf("\n color is%s",sc[0].color);
printf("\n hp is%d",sc[0].hp);
case 4:exit(0);