Write a menu driven program in C to create a structure employee having fields empid , empname,salary. Accept the details of n Employees from user and perform the following operations using function 1)Search by EmpId 2)Display Names of Employee having salary is greater than 10000

Write a menu driven  program in C to create a structure employee having fields empid , empname,salary. Accept  the details of n Employees  from user and perform the following operations using function
         -  Search by EmpId
         - Display Names of Employee having salary is greater than 10000

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main()
struct details
 char name[30];
 int eid;
 int salary;
int n,i,id,ch;
printf("\n 1:add employee");
printf("\n 2:search employee");
printf("\n 3:Display Names of Employee having salary is greater than 10000 ");
printf("\n 4:exit");
printf("\n enter the choice");
scanf("\n %d",&ch);
 case 1:
 printf("\n enter how many record u add");
scanf("\n %d",&n);
printf("\n enter employee record");
 printf("\nEnter name:");
 scanf("\n %s",&emp[i].name);
 printf("\nEnter id:");
 scanf("\n %d",&emp[i].eid);
 printf("\nEnter Salary:");
 scanf("\n %d",&emp[i].salary);

case 2:
printf("\n enter the employee id u search");
scanf("\n %d",&id);
    printf("\n employee id is %d",emp[i].eid);
   printf("\n employee name is %s",emp[i].name);
   printf("\n employee salary is %d",emp[i].salary);
case 3:

 printf("\n Name of the Employee : %s ",emp[i].name);
 printf("\n id of the Employee : %d ",emp[i].eid);
 printf("\n Salary of the Employee : %d ",emp[i].salary);
case 4:exit(0);
/* output

 1:add employee
 2:search employee
 3:Display Names of Employee having salary is greater than 10000

 enter the choice1
 enter how many record u add2

 enter employee record

Enter name:asha
Enter id:1
Enter Salary:9950

Enter name:anita
Enter id:2
Enter Salary:15000

 1:add employee
 2:search employee
 3:Display Names of Employee having salary is greater than 10000
 enter the choice2

 enter the employee id u search2

 employee id is 2
 employee name is anita
 employee salary is 15000
 1:add employee
 2:search employee
 3:Display Names of Employee having salary is greater than 10000
 enter the choice3

 Name of the Employee : anita
 id of the Employee : 2
 Salary of the Employee : 15000
 1:add employee
 2:search employee
 3:Display Names of Employee having salary is greater than 10000
 enter the choice */